event 54
23 April 2021
Kamel Ghribi meet Libyan Foreign Minister...
Rome, Italy

GSD Middle East Chairman Kamel Ghribi had an opportunity to discuss many topics...

event 56
07 May 2021
Kamel Ghribi host an Iftar dinner to honour...
Rome, Italy

GSD Middle East Chairman Kamel Ghribi was privileged to host an Iftar dinner to...

event 61
16 July 2021
Chairman Kamel Ghribi signed an MOU Health...
Nairobi, Kenya

Kamel Ghribi, President of GSD Healthcare Middle East, President of GKSD Holding...

event 66
06 October 2021
GSD Vice President and ECAM Chairman Kamel...
Rome, Italy

In preparation for the G20 summit and the side-line Afro-Italian summit, GSD Vice...

event 62
04 August 2021
Chairman Kamel Ghribi; Ahmed Boutache, Ambassador...
Milan, Italy

In the context of continuing support and solidarity between Italy and Algeria,...

event 65
22 September 2021
Chairman Kamel Ghribi in delegation to the...
Dubai, UAE

It is always a pleasure to work for the greater good. There is an urgent need...

event 67
08 October 2021
Kamel Ghribi hosts a special gala evening...
Rome, Italy

GKSD President and GSD Vice President Kamel Ghribi hosted a special gala evening...

event 69
01 November 2021
The 2021 ECAM Council Summit
Rome, Italy

The 2021 ECAM Council Summit succeeded in bringing together thought leaders, policy...

event 72
17 February 2022
ECAM "African Leaders for Change" Conference...
Brussels, Belgium

Today I was delighted to meet with 7 African heads of states during the ECAM roundtable...

event 80
31 August 2022
Dinner hosted in honour of Minister Naledi...
Cernobbio, Italy

Greater cooperation in healthcare services and medical research, 

event 81
01-04 September 2022
Ambrosetti Forum 2022
Cernobbio, Italy

The Ambrosetti Forum has allowed world leaders an opportunity to discuss and reflect...

event 82
29 September 2022
Visit to the American University in the U.A.E....
Dubai, UAE

As ever it is a great pleasure to support academia – access to quality education...

event 84
09 October 2022
Chairman Kamel Ghribi with H.E. Dr. Khaled...
Il Cairo, Egypt

The Chairman of GKSD Holding and Vice Chairman of San Donato Group, met the Egyptian...

event 85
12 October 2022
Abu Dhabi Delegation
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Excellent day of institutional meetings today in Abu Dhabi. It was a pleasure...

event 91
13 February 2023
Italian aid for Syria leaves Pisa airport...
Pisa, Italy

Kamel Ghribi announced apropos of the decision to send aid to Syria: “We feel...

event 97
05 June 2023
Agreement signed in Iraq, land of great opportunities...
Basra, Iraq

I have just returned from a trip to Iraq where I had the pleasure of meeting the...

event 106
30 January 2024
Rome, Italy

The 5th ECAM Summit has come to a conclusion and marked a great moment for Italy...

Kamel Ghribi Opinion
Sanità, Gruppo San Donato in missione in Kenya
16 Jul 2021
Sanità, Gruppo San Donato in...
Gruppo San Donato, Italy’s leading private hospital group, and Kenya sign an agreement to strengthen the East African’s local health care
18 Jul 2021
Gruppo San Donato, Italy’s...
Government To Scale Up Health Care
18 Jul 2021
Government To Scale Up Health...
Kamel Ghribi has a Q&A session with French newspaper L'opinion
20 Jul 2021
Kamel Ghribi has a Q&A session...
The second Arab Italian Business Forum - Rome the 17th of October 2018
24 Oct 2018
The second Arab Italian Business...
Global Health Pioneer Awards Gala Dinner - Dubai 27th of January 2019
06 Feb 2019
Global Health Pioneer Awards...
وزيرة الصحة تنقل تحيات الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي إلى حكومة وشعب إيطاليا
25 Oct 2020
وزيرة الصحة تنقل...
وزيرة الصحة لرئيس وزراء إيطاليا: كورونا تسبب في أزمة اقتصادية عالمية
25 Oct 2020
وزيرة الصحة لرئيس...
Coronavirus-Amitié Tuniso-Italienne: Réception d’équipements médicaux
24 Jul 2021
Coronavirus-Amitié Tuniso-Italienne:...
Tunisia, Ghribi (Gksd): "Serve gioco di squadra, nessuno vince da solo"
02 Aug 2021
Tunisia, Ghribi (Gksd): "Serve...
09 Aug 2021
Libia, Ghribi a Dbeibeh “Gruppo San Donato pronto a offrire supporto”
06 Sep 2021
Libia, Ghribi a Dbeibeh “Gruppo...
San Donato Group Leaders Meet UAE Minister of Economy
11 Feb 2022
San Donato Group Leaders Meet...
Gksd Kamel Ghribi, Founder And Chairman Leads Ecam Council Round Table Discussions At The Africa Eu Meetings In Brussels
18 Feb 2022
Gksd Kamel Ghribi, Founder And...
Cernobbio, vertice Ecam verso il summit di ottobre a Milano: «Diplomazia per dialogo e pace in Ucraina»
30 May 2022
Cernobbio, vertice Ecam verso...
Kenya: prima pietra per ospedale psichiatrico a Nairobi
14 Jun 2022
Kenya: prima pietra per ospedale...
وزير الصحة يبحث مع مؤسس مستشفيات “سان دوناتو” الإيطالية التعاون بالقطاع
09 Oct 2022
وزير الصحة يبحث...
Gruppo San Donato in missione tra Egitto ed Emirati, si studia cooperazione
14 Oct 2022
Gruppo San Donato in missione...
Ghribi (Gruppo San Donato) ai giovani della Tunisia: "L'Europa non è la Terra Promessa"
15 Oct 2022
Ghribi (Gruppo San Donato) ai...
Gruppo San Donato, Ghribi “Obiettivo investimenti sanitari all’estero”
14 Dec 2022
Gruppo San Donato, Ghribi “Obiettivo...
Ghribi “Superpotenze e Paesi arabi aiutino la Tunisia e il suo popolo”
28 Dec 2022
Ghribi “Superpotenze e Paesi...
التاريخ و الأحداث التي تهز النظام العالمي
01 Jan 2023
التاريخ و الأحداث...
مصحأت سان دوناتو في ايطاليا تعتزم  انتداب 300 ممرض من تونس
18 Jan 2023
مصحأت سان دوناتو...
كمال الغريبي: سوريا تستغيث.. التفتوا إليها
06 Feb 2023
كمال الغريبي: سوريا...
كمال الغريبي يدعو العالم للتضامن مع سوريا
07 Feb 2023
كمال الغريبي يدعو...
طائرتين عسكريتين محمّلة بسيّارات الإسعاف وأطنان من الأدوية لسوريا
10 Feb 2023
طائرتين عسكريتين...
Terremoto, partiti per la Siria gli aiuti del Gruppo San Donato
11 Feb 2023
Terremoto, partiti per la Siria...
Da Baghdad a Bassora, la sanità privata italiana esporta il "modello Lombardia": 6 cliniche per 60 milioni di investimenti
22 Mar 2023
Da Baghdad a Bassora, la sanità...
Ghribi “Firmata intesa in Iraq, terra di grandi opportunità per Italia”
07 Jun 2023
Ghribi “Firmata intesa in...
Al via il summit ECAM, guidare il cambiamento per un pianeta prospero
24 Jul 2023
Al via il summit ECAM, guidare...
We can count on Kamel Ghribi: His Summit on Food Security and Health exceeds expectations.
03 Aug 2023
We can count on Kamel Ghribi:...
Migranti, Ghribi “Ottimo lavoro Meloni, dalla Tunisia il massimo sforzo”
19 Sep 2023
Migranti, Ghribi “Ottimo lavoro...
Ghribi(GKSD) “Ascoltare l’appello di Guterres: cessate il fuoco!”
18 Oct 2023
Ghribi(GKSD) “Ascoltare l’appello...
Ghribi “Una Tunisia più forte e grande è possibile”
05 Jan 2024
Ghribi “Una Tunisia più forte...
Summit ECAM, salute e investimenti per lo sviluppo dell’Africa
30 Jan 2024
Summit ECAM, salute e investimenti...
Iraq, Ghribi “Risultato storico, noi apripista per aziende italiane”
08 Feb 2024
Iraq, Ghribi “Risultato storico,...
Ghribi “Dialogue, cooperation and respect for Euro-med relations”
04 May 2024
Ghribi “Dialogue, cooperation...