01 November 2021
Rome, Italy
The 2021 ECAM Council Summit

The 2021 ECAM Council Summit succeeded in bringing together thought leaders, policy makers, Presidents and Government Ministers who shared their diverse perspectives and profound expertise to inspire and challenge us to find a more human face to caring.
Keynote speakers provided many valuable insights including a conversation with Tony Blair EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF THE INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE and speeches from HRH Turki bin Al Faisal Al Saud CHAIR OF THE KING FAISAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND ISLAMIC STUDIES IN THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA; Nayef Falah M. Al-Hajraf the SECRETARY GENERAL, COOPERATION COUNCIL FOR THE ARAB STATES OF THE GULF; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus DIRECTOR GENERAL, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION; Ilir MetaPRESIDENT, REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA; Letizia Moratti PRESIDENT, E4IMPACT; VICE PRESIDENT AND REGIONAL MINISTER OF WELFARE, LOMBARDY; Luigi di Maio ITALIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, Roberto Speranza ITALIAN HEALTH MINISTER, Felix Tshisekedi the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO, Jose Barroso PRESIDENT OF GAVI, Cardinal Peter Turkson the Prefect of the Dicastery of Integral Human Development at the Vatican City and many, many more.
Many themes were covered such as the importance of fairer vaccine distribution, however the essential theme of ‘new ways to care’ highlighted the urgency of adopting public-private approaches to healthcare provision and investment.

