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Nov 22, 2014 Moscow, Russia

17th winter ball charity foundation Gala Dinner – Moscow

Chairman Kamel Ghribi; Dorit Golender, Israeli Ambassador, Russia.

GK Investment Holding Chairman Kamel Ghribi was proud to lend his support to the Winter Ball Charity Foundation in Moscow by donating a magnificent Jewel Bag, which was auctioned on behalf of the foundation.

The Jewel Bag itself was created specially for the event and helped raise significant funds for desperately sick children. Mr. Ghribi has always considered charity to be the noblest of causes and as such was delighted to be able to give a helping hand to the dedicated organisers of the event.

This year’s patron of the 17th edition was the Israeli Embassy and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Israel to Russia, Her Excellency, Mrs. Dorit Golender, was in attendance to give her personal support to what she considers the ‘key of human values’ – charity.

Needless to say all of the organiser’s hard work coupled with the generous goodwill of the guests made for a most successful evening, as the gallery below will testify