30-03 May 2024
Nairobi, Kenya
Ghribi “Dialogue, cooperation and respect for Euro-med relations”

Throughout his distinguished career, GKSD Chairman has always insisted that a lack of high level global cooperation was preventing advancements in sustainable and enduring investment in Africa. Since its inception, GKSD has been actively supporting projects in energy transition, infrastructure development, affordable healthcare and inclusive, equitable partnerships not only with Africa but also the MENA Region.

In a push to promote this agenda, GKSD Chairman embarked upon an official visit to Kenya with his team to engage in top level talks with key Government and business figures. The talks will identify the potential areas of collaboration between GKSD/GSD and the nation of Kenya. He applauded Kenya for taking the lead in changing the way business is done in Africa and has pledged to continue taking the GKSD skill set to other African nations during his 2024 tour of the continent to show that fair partnership initiatives are possible if others do as GKSD/GSD are doing and share their expertise in sectors such as Healthcare, Green Energy, Sustainable Engineering, Design and Construction in investment projects that benefit both Governments and businesses.

GKSD/GSD – Ready to Serve Africa through Fair and Equitable Partnerships !